Monday, January 11, 2010







jen poh said...

与你分享读到一些平面设计师的话,让我增加自己的信心 :)

- “乐在工作及其结果,才是成功的定义。”- Steve Liska
- “我想,主要是天真和过份的热诚,你没时间去想失败或是伟大的远景。你能顾到的只有当下”。 - Ingrid Sidie

嗯。。 我想,偶尔要想想伟大的远景,但真的,如果能常常活在当下,那是最幸福的。

ahbing said...

jen poh's comment is valuable. Do you always have these inspiring sentence written on piece of notes? ;)

Zhong Hui, have you ever tried speaking to your dad about this matter, and see what he thinks? He probably have another perspective to share.

Ryan said...

Hmm, speaking about this, my dad will always support me, i know that. But i just feel bad to just walk away like that, i've been in this line for 1 and a half year, i know tough it is. I'm in a dilemma situation now. But anyhow, i try to do as freelance first, then slowly develop myself, i still hav 2 courses in front of me, lets see what will happen to me after August....

jen poh said...

hi ah bing, thanks :) well.. i do write down quotes, or sentences, sometimes even paragraphs that move me from books and mags i read. (copied down a lot, but hope to live by them more sincerely)

ps, i'm quite a frequent on your blog (one of the silent followers), and always end up laughing out loud! enjoy the straightforward, down to earth and
highly mood lifting posts from you. thank you for blogging and sharing! :D